Terms of Service

( Last updated: July 15, 2023 )

3000craft’s mission is to create a self-sufficient community of fun stuffs using smart technology.

As a member of 3000craft, it is your responsibility to know and adhere to the Terms of Service. 3000craft reserves the right to change, alter or modify the Terms of Service as needed.

All postings, past and present are subject to the most current terms of service.

The member grants 3000craft the right to display all user-generated content posted by the member on the site in perpetuity. This includes but is not limited to gallery images, forum posts, and product comments.

Member Conduct: Members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is constructive and respectful of others at all times. Additionally, we hope that each member will work to facilitate a culture of collaboration and positive reinforcement, so we can all share our passion for art while developing our personal ambitions and fostering friendships.

Members will not use this community for:

1. Any practices that affect the normal operations of the community (Admins will take whatever steps are necessary to restore service). Transmitting any libelous, defamatory, or any other material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under the law.

2. Personal attacks. This includes but is not limited to destructive, abusive, defamatory communications in any form and retaliatory attacks from personal attacks. If you need assistance, please communicate with someone from our 3000craft Team.

3. Destructive commentary/communications made with the intent to disrupt or attack (Trolling). This applies to any communications within this community, whether in the forums, art galleries, sitemail, or article opinions.

4. Advertisement for any competing site, advertising or linking to any sites that are publications and/or websites that are sexually definitive, and/or pornographic in nature.

HARASSMENT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AT 3000CRAFT. If anyone feels as if they’re being harassed by another member, please report it to someone from our 3000craft team.

Such messages will be deleted, and the member may be banned from the site should the 3000craft staff see fit. This applies to any communications within this community, which includes but not limited to forums, art galleries, blogs, sitemail or article opinions.

Flame Baiting: It can be a person unfamiliar with a certain topic/discussion on an internet forum group, saying things that would provoke an angry, teasing, or overall negative response.

Trolling: Purposely causing harm to others by stating destructive commentary. If you need assistance, please communicate with someone from our 3000craft Team.

Expressing Political and Religious viewpoints is allowed, however, insulting someone’s religion or speaking about political views in a negative manner will not be tolerated anywhere on our site.

Disturbing the peace at 3000craft: We have the right to remove and act upon anything we feel is causing disruption in the 3000craft Community. This is pertaining to but not limited to the situations above.

No Posting Unacceptable Images or Writing Themes: No Violent or Sexual content, No character attacks.

Any post, image, or writings can be removed at the discretion of staff if it is deemed unsuitable. Conversely, there may be some images which, whilst in apparent violation of the rules, will be permitted to stay in the interests of free speech.

Violations: Members that violate the rules above will be notified by a member of the 3000craft team. Warnings will be noted in the member’s record. Continual violation of the rules will result in a temporary ban. Habitual rule violations will result in a permanent ban.

Conduct – Zero Tolerance

3000craft maintains a Zero Tolerance on certain behaviors within the community. These include, but are not limited to the following: Any threats of physical harm, property damage or acts of violence toward another individual, or group of individuals. Fraudulent use of credit cards or refusing to pay for items received from The Marketplace. Soliciting, trading or distributing products illegally (warez). This includes, but is not limited to, requests and/or distribution of computer software, digital products, software security overrides, serial numbers, and/or continued use or possession of illegal products (warez). Intentional practices that affect the normal operations of the community (Admins will take whatever steps are necessary to restore service). Any member found to be impersonating a moderator, Coordinator, or Admin of 3000craft will have his/her membership revoked and their access to the community permanently blocked; including any duplicate accounts for the same person.

3000craft considers this information private and confidential.

However, there may be certain situations that necessitate otherwise. The appropriate legal authorities will be contacted, and if appropriate charges may be filed.

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